An Uplifting Influence | 24.08.2024
The Uplifting Power of Bible Study
Bible study possesses a unique ability to elevate the mind and soul far beyond worldly influences. When the teachings of the Holy Scripture are integrated into daily life, they expand the mind, purify thoughts, and strengthen moral character. Engaging with the Bible connects us with divine wisdom and truth, enriching our spiritual faculties and helping us to better recognize God’s glory. At a time when Bible study is often neglected, this text reminds us that only through daily study and application of biblical teachings can true spiritual and intellectual growth be achieved.
“May those who fear you rejoice when they see me, for I have put my hope in your word.” Psalm 119:74
When the teachings of the Bible are integrated into practical life, the mind is lifted above worldly and degrading influences. Those knowledgeable in Scripture will prove to be individuals who exert an uplifting influence. In the search for the truths revealed from heaven, the Spirit of God closely interacts with the sincere seeker of the Scriptures. Understanding God’s revealed will expands the mind, elevates it, and imparts new strength by bringing its faculties into contact with amazing truths. When Bible study is neglected, a significant loss is suffered. For a time, the Bible was excluded from our schools, and Satan found a fertile field where he worked with astonishing speed, reaping a harvest to his liking.
Understanding rises to the level of the things with which it engages. If everyone studied the Bible, we would have a more developed people, capable of deeper thinking and with a higher level of intelligence than if they directed their most serious efforts solely toward studying the sciences and history books of this world. The Bible offers the earnest seeker an advanced spiritual discipline, and through contemplation of divine matters, their abilities are enriched; the self is humbled, and God and His revealed truth are exalted. We experience so much elevation of the human and so little honor to God because people do not know the precious biblical stories. The Bible contains the high-quality nourishment that Christians need for their spiritual and intellectual development. The study of all philosophical and scientific books cannot achieve for the mind and morality what the Bible can, when studied and practiced. Through the study of the Bible, we converse with patriarchs and prophets. Truth is conveyed in a sublime language that exerts a fascinating power on the mind; thinking is diverted from earthly matters and led to contemplate the glory of eternal future life. What human wisdom could compare with the greatness of God’s revelation? Limited humans, who do not know God, may try to diminish the value of Scripture and bury the truth under supposed scientific knowledge.
Ellen White, Fundamentals of Christian Education, pp. 129-130
Heavenly Father,
we thank You for the immeasurable treasures You have revealed to us in Your Word. Help us to study the Bible with seriousness and devotion, so that our thoughts may be lifted from worldly things to heavenly truths. Grant us the wisdom to integrate Your teachings into our daily lives, so that we may have an uplifting influence on those around us. Protect us from the temptation to be distracted by superficial and transient matters. Let us find in Your Word the nourishment we need for our spiritual and intellectual growth. Guide us through Your Holy Spirit, so that we may delve deeper into the knowledge of Your truth. Grant us the humility to decrease ourselves while exalting You and Your glory. May our lives be a reflection of Your wisdom and grace.
In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
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